Assembly George Square Gardens, Edinburgh
Oscar Wilde hides in a bunker on a dystopian dance floor, but while there is much high-energy music there is little drama

What would Oscar Wilde be doing if he were alive today? The flamboyant, self-proclaimed hedonist might well be wearing studded leather and dancing the night away, as we see him in this immersive production. Except here Wilde (Mark Mauriello) is hiding in a bunker with a gang of exiles in a future fascist state.

His wife, Constance Lloyd (Elizabeth Chalmers) is there, too, along with Wilde’s aristocratic lover, Lord Alfred “Bosie” Douglas (Jamie Cruttenden): they sing, dance with glo-sticks on a circular stage and intermittently tell his story from a series of mobile podiums (set design by Andrew Exeter).

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