Is this popular family of plants really toxic? Many TikTok influencers seem to think so. Here, dietary experts set the facts straight

TikTok might be the perfect place to learn the latest viral dance moves, but it is certainly not an oracle when it comes to health advice. While it can be a useful source of fun recipes and food ideas, it is also a hotbed of misinformation about what to eat – and what not to eat.

The latest foods in the line of fire are nightshades – a family of plants that includes potatoes, aubergines, peppers, chillies, goji berries and tomatoes. Despite the widespread popularity of nightshades, some celebrities and influencers recommend we cut them from our diet entirely due to the “toxins” they contain. These self-styled health gurus argue that nightshades could be harmful to our health, but dietitians and nutritionists don’t agree.

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