Readers reflect on ways to spark action to tackle climate collapse in the face of the rich dictating the conversation and policies

George Monbiot’s article should be read as a survival guide for humanity (With our food systems on the verge of collapse, it’s the plutocrats v life on Earth, 15 July). The ever-increasing signs of climate collapse make for heart-thumping reading, while our daily dose of record-breaking temperatures, severe water shortages and crop failure only add to the litany of looming disaster. Yet we continue with the model of “business as usual” because those in whom power and money are entrenched wish to keep them so.

So, what can the majority of us, who continue to bear the brunt, actually do? Protest just invites a prison sentence, while getting the media to invest a few words in the subject is seemingly impossible. Our most effective, and indeed possibly our only, tool for effecting meaningful change is our freedom to vote – all the way from local authority to national government – but with time fast running out we need those in power to be making those changes without further prevarication. Wherever you are, please use your vote wisely, because all our futures may hang on this tenuous thread.
Nick MacIneskar
Tayvallich, Argyll and Bute

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