By .css-nyr2iw-AuthorContainer{white-space:nowrap;}.css-mbn33i-AuthorLink{color:var(–interactive-text-color);font-style:var(–font-style-italic);}.css-mbn33i-AuthorLink:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}Robbie Whelan.css-kx7fw8-FollowButton{display:inline;margin:0 8px;}.css-kx7fw8-FollowButton ufc-follow-author-widget:not(.hydrated){display:inline-block;width:60px;} and Erich Schwartzel.css-195ai1w-UnItalicizePipe{font-style:var(–font-style-normal);}| Photographs by Evan Angelastro for The Wall Street Journal This post first appeared on

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