A new ‘stealth tax attack’ on pensions inherited from loved ones aged under 75 is being mulled by the Government, warn finance industry experts.

This is sowing confusion and risks throwing inheritance plans into disarray over changes that could take effect on 6 April 2024, they claim.

At present, beneficiaries either pay no tax on inherited pensions up to the deceased’s lifetime allowance limit if the owner dies before age 75, or their normal income tax rate if they are 75 or over.

Inheritance planning: New tax rules on passing pensions to next generation are floated by the Government

Inheritance planning: New tax rules on passing pensions to next generation are floated by the Government

Inheritance planning: New tax rules on passing pensions to next generation are floated by the Government

The Treasury is apparently considering levying income tax on withdrawals from pots inherited from younger savers too, though there is uncertainty over how taking the pot as a lump sum might be treated.

Pension experts say the information issued so far by the Government, alongside plans to legislate on abolishing the lifetime allowance, is still unclear on its ultimate intentions.

Introducing a tougher regime risks disrupting the inheritance plans of many people invested in drawdown plans with an eye to passing on pension wealth to the next generation.

Some have transferred out of valuable final salary pension schemes – which have benefits for surviving spouses but not children – primarily for that reason since the pension freedom reforms.

But speculation has been rife for a while that the hard-up Government could target this relatively generous system, introduced alongside pension freedom in 2015.

We round up what is known so far about the Government’s plans. Meanwhile, Labour might reverse abolition of the LTA, or amend the rules again if it wins the election. 

Plans risk causing a ‘political firestorm’ for the Government

‘Government plans to replace the pensions lifetime allowance could create a new “death tax” for savers,’ warns Tom Selby, head of retirement policy at AJ Bell.

The £1,073,100 total limit people can have in their pension pot without facing tax penalties was ditched on 6 April, but legislation confirming that move has not yet passed.

And Selby explains the Treasury is considering adding further legislation to what is already published on the LTA about how income should be taxed if taken from untouched funds on death before age 75.

‘Under current rules, if you die before age 75 and haven’t yet accessed your pension, your beneficiaries can inherit your defined contribution pension completely tax-free if it is under the lifetime allowance.’

But he says of the new rules under consideration: ‘Where someone dies before age 75 and they choose to access as yet untouched inherited pension as income, the entire amount would be subject to income tax.

‘By contrast, if the same person took the inherited pension as a lump sum and it was within the £1,073,100 lump sum limit, it would remain tax-free.’

Selby says creating a death tax in this way makes little sense and may push more beneficiaries to take a lump sum when an income is more suitable for their needs, or encourage people to take pensions earlier than planned to avoid loved ones paying income tax later.

‘It also risks causing a political firestorm for the Government and undoes much of the simplification benefits associated with ditching the lifetime allowance.’

He says the rules are yet to be finalised in legislation, so it is still not 100 per cent clear what will happen.



Call to reverse ‘stealth tax attack’ on pension funds

Gary Smith, financial planning partner at Evelyn Partners, says if his understanding of the rules in a new Government policy note on the LTA is correct, it will create a dilemma for beneficiaries of pension pots.

They will have to decide whether to take it in withdrawals and pay income tax, or as a lump sum of up to £1,073,100 or their ‘protected former lifetime allowance’ which makes it subject to inheritance tax on their own death.

‘My concern is what happens to those who have already inherited pensions and who can currently withdraw income tax-free,’ he says.

‘The wording in the policy note is so vague, that it is not clear if income is withdrawn from these pensions, after 6 April 2024, will this become subject to income tax.’

Smith adds: ‘This is a significant change to pensions legislation, that is going to cause uncertainty for many, and will impact all pension savers, regardless of the value of their pension funds.

‘It will likely generate increased tax revenue for HMRC and I would encourage them to reverse this stealth tax attack on pension funds.’

Changes could bring more lower earners into the frame for tax

‘On face value, it appears quite significant changes to the tax treatment of beneficiary pensions were put forward in a relatively underhanded way under the guise of removing the lifetime allowance from April 2024,’ says Jon Greer, head of retirement policy at Quilter.

‘A single sentence at the end of a policy statement appears a rather odd way to announce a sea change in such a material aspect of the pensions tax regime.

‘The changes put forward would subject many more people to taxation impacting beneficiaries of members who die pre age 75 who left uncrystallised (unused) funds in their defined contribution pension pot.

‘Currently such beneficiaries can choose to receive an income either by designating to drawdown or purchasing a beneficiary annuity and receive that income tax free.’

Going by what the Government has said so far, Greer says: ‘The Government want those beneficiaries to pay marginal rate tax from next tax year.

‘This will impact any beneficiary who chooses beneficiary drawdown or annuity regardless of the size of the pension fund the member had accrued during their lifetime.

‘Regardless of whether one is in favour of such a change or not it smacks of tax policy being made on the hoof instead of a considered approach that the Government have committed to in the past that creates a more predictable, stable and simple tax system.’

Greer goes on: ‘The pension system is already devilishly complex and making these kind of tweaks only serves to muddy the water making it harder for people to plan their finances.

‘Unfortunately, these changes are also likely to bring more lower earners into the frame for taxation and no doubt will drive a lot of negative sentiment to pensions when we desperately need to get more people saving more for their retirement.’

 ‘Totally unacceptable’ to make big pension change through the back door

‘For the last eight years, people have known that if a loved one died under the age of 75 they could inherit an untouched pension pot free of all tax,’ says Steve Webb, partner at pension consultant LCP.

‘The money could sit in a drawdown account, being invested and growing, and would be a source of tax free income whenever needed. This tax advantage risks being abolished by next April if these new proposals are implemented.’

Webb, a former Pensions Minister who is now This is Money’s pension columnist, adds: ‘It would be totally unacceptable to make such a big change “through the back door”.

‘If ministers plan to remove this pension tax break they should announce their plans publicly and have them properly debated.’

Constant pension changes increase complexity

‘What is really disappointing in this draft legislation is that the abolition of the LTA will now impact smaller pension pots – pots and individuals which were never previously caught by the LTA,’ says Renny Biggins, head of retirement at industry group The Investing and Saving Alliance.

‘Beneficiaries inheriting an uncrystallised pension pot from someone who died under age 75 and electing a beneficiary drawdown or annuity will now have their pension income taxed at their marginal rate, irrespective of the size of the pension pot on death.

‘It is universally accepted that constant pension changes increase complexity and is a barrier to consumer engagement and understanding – something as an industry we are trying so hard to combat.

‘Changes such as this which bring additional groups of typically lower earners into the pensions tax framework is not a good outcome and will only serve to further damage the reputation and fairness of our pensions system.’

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This post first appeared on Dailymail.co.uk

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