Diana Francis, Anne Taylor and Dr Barrie Dale on why humanity is still failing to act as the planet burns

I was glad to read Jonathan Freedland’s thoughts on why environmentalists are failing to get the message of the planetary crisis across (As heat records break, the climate movement has the right answers – but the words are all wrong, 14 July). However, I don’t agree that here in the UK the main obstacles are ignorance and disbelief. Despite the lack of sufficient media coverage, I think that a large proportion of the adult population is aware of what is happening and anxious about the future (though not necessarily following through on sufficient lifestyle changes). They are preoccupied with the demands of everyday life and not convinced or inspired to join collective action.

The main campaigning organisations in which I am involved have so far failed to get across the message that we are all, as humanity, in the same precarious situation and must unite in demanding that our governments act with proportionate urgency. We must speak as one and act in ways that are inviting to others to act with us or alongside us.

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