Tory mismanagement of public finances will make the party’s task difficult if it wins power, and that is why we won’t pledge what we can’t deliver on

• Read more: Keir Starmer’s Labour is preparing for power

Friday in my constituency summed up for me the state of our country. Local headteachers I respect and admire were in tears as they described the challenges they are grappling with. The owner of a popular local chippy showed me his energy bill, up from £5,000 a quarter to £11,000, as he shared his fears for his business. A parent showed me a photo of his straight-A son beaten black and blue in the middle of his GCSEs and shared his frustration that he has put more work into the investigation than the police.

People are increasingly looking to Labour to get Britain out of this mess. Last week Keir Starmer set out the fifth of Labour’s five missions for government: to smash the class ceiling that holds back kids from working-class backgrounds like mine. Taken together with our ambition to build an NHS fit for the future out of the ashes of the worst crisis in its history, to make our streets safe, to deliver clean power by 2030 and to get our economy racing ahead of the world, with the benefits shared so that we’re all better off, Keir’s missions amount to an ambitious vision of what our country can look like in the 2030s.

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