For what felt like an age, they just stood there. In the end, the interlopers seemed grateful to be shepherded away

There can’t be many people left in the country who haven’t heard of Rishi Sunak’s five promises. Or pledges. Or priorities. Or vague ideas. Whatever their current status happens to be. Like a guilty person returning to the scene of the crime, the more it looks inevitable the prime minister will fail on all five, the more frequently he feels obliged to mention them. He probably obsessively repeats them to himself in his sleep.

The same could not be said for Keir Starmer’s five missions. Even those who have heard them find it hard to remember what they are. Partly because the Labour leader doesn’t go on and on about them at every available opportunity. Wisely, he prefers to choose his moments. But mainly because much of what Starmer says is instantly forgettable.

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