Duke of Sussex alleges secret deal between the publisher of the Sun and the royal family

Prince Harry is pushing “Alice in Wonderland stuff” by claiming the royal family struck a secret deal with one of Rupert Murdoch’s media companies over phone hacking, according to the newspaper group.

Harry is attempting to take the publisher of the Sun to trial, alleging journalists working for the tabloid hacked his voicemails and illegally targeted him using private investigators over several decades. Murdoch’s company is trying to block the case on technical grounds, arguing that Harry waited too long to file his legal paperwork.

Mirror Group Newspapers: Trial finished on Friday, after Harry gave evidence in early June. Judgment expected in autumn.

News Group Newspapers, publisher of the Sun: Awaiting the outcome of Wednesday’s hearing, with a ruling expected in the coming weeks on whether Harry can take the case to trial in January.

Associated Newspapers, publisher of the Daily Mail: Awaiting the outcome of a hearing that took place in March, with a ruling expected in the coming weeks on whether Harry can take the case to trial sometime in 2024.

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