It’s possible to honour the memory of your lost love, while also finding happiness elsewhere

The question My man died of cancer five years ago. He was 61. We had children and grandchildren. He had been “the man of my life” for the last 35 years. We were in love. Each day, each night, we told each other how we were feeling good together. Our life was just as we wished it could be. We had a small country house where he was living full-time since he retired and, as I was still working, I came back home from my work every Friday night for the weekend. We were like two lovebirds meeting again.

You can imagine how painful it was to lose him. Each day during the years after his death, everything made me think of him: music, snow, sun, rain, food, films… It was very hard to sell our house. But I had to do it and I did. I am having to rebuild my life brick by brick, but it feels as if joy will never come back.

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