Most people would jump at the chance to see a West End musical. The prospect fills me with dread

I’m off to see Groundhog Day, the musical, at the Old Vic in London. It’s based on the 1993 film in which Bill Murray’s character relives the same day over and over. Although I’m sure it will be great, it involves one obvious drawback: having to leave the house. These days, I have less and less appreciation of how the outside world works. Having to interact with anyone or anything outside my normal daily routine leaves me with a feeling of cold dread.

It turns out that I’m more than happy in my own little groundhog day. I wake up, work all day at my computer in my kitchen (the nearest working space to the kettle), probably pop to the supermarket at some point, maybe fit in some exercise, watch telly, go to bed, rinse and repeat. My life is a predictable triangle. Leaving the boundaries has become increasingly stressful.

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