Hemsworth and Elizabeth Olsen are among the MCU stars – a group of people who once lived in mortal fear of the Marvel brass – to break rank and criticise their latest films

It is no secret that the tide has been slowly turning against the MCU. Critically, Marvel is in a slump, receiving its three lowest-ever Rotten Tomatoes scores in the last three years. Its working practices, too, have come into question, with what feels like the entire VFX industry lining up to give it a kicking.

But, no matter how bad things get, at least Marvel could console itself with the knowledge that one group of people would never dare to badmouth it. That’s right, its actors: a group of people who live in such mortal fear of the Marvel brass that they joke about literally being murdered by a sniper whenever an interviewer asks them anything even remotely spoilery. And yet, here we are. Three Marvel stars have recently broken rank to reveal that their movies sort of suck.

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