The Hackney MP has been a symbol of hope and resilience – but to trivialise the struggles of Jewish people in such a way is inexcusable, says one reader. Plus letters from Prof Daniel Altmann, Mike Cowley and Julia Edwards

Stoke Newington was the first place I ever called home. My parents were proud constituents of Diane Abbott’s and her election from my community always left me with a sense of pride, and it still does. Reading her comments in a letter in the Observer first sparked anger and confusion, but left me with nothing but disappointment (Labour suspends Diane Abbott in attempt to stifle fresh antisemitism row, 23 April).

The MP, for whom my parents first voted for way back in 1987, is a symbol of hope and resilience, a Black woman who has defied the odds. I have always admired her, and still want to, but for her to trivialise the struggles of Jewish people in such a way is inexcusable.

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