Top tips on cutting energy costs

1. Switch to solar lights outside

As sunnier days approach, switching off outdoor lighting and using solar lamps or lights will help cut energy bills.

2. Close curtains at night 

Close your curtains in the evening as temperatures drop to help insulate your home and stop heat escaping.

This means you are less likely to need to turn the heating on.

Make sure you open blinds in the morning, especially on sunny days, as the glass will act like a greenhouse to help warm your property.

3. Use residual oven heat to cook

Ovens remain hot immediately after you have turned them off. This means you can actually turn them off up to 10 minutes before your food is due out to let the residual heat finish the job for you.

However, don’t take risks with food and make sure it is piping hot and properly cooked all the way through before eating.

4. Don’t open the oven when in use

Once you have turned the oven on and put your food in, try not to open the door. This reduces the temperature and prompts the appliance to use extra energy to bring the temperature back up, and also adds time on to cooking your meal costing you more.

This post first appeared on

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