Until Biden fulfills his promise to end arm sales to the Saudis, the US and its largest defense contractors are complicit in war crimes

My wedding should have been filled with the usual range of wonderful emotions – excitement, trepidation, joy, anxiety and love. Instead, it was marked by terror, devastation and loss.

The night of 5 October 2015 began so beautifully as my two brothers and I each prepared to wed our brides from nearby villages. We, our families and our guests came together at my uncle’s house, which had been transformed for the festivities: large tents were set up, delicious smells wafting in the breeze. The brides arrived in a 30-car caravan with honking horns, blaring music and cheering heralding their arrival, before gathering with relatives inside one of the houses.

Ayman Mohamed Saleh Al Sanabani is a Yemeni citizen and plaintiff in a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the US state department, the US defense department, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics for human rights violations in Yemen

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