Former PM expected to attack privileges committee inquiry as unfair before appearing before committee on Wednesday

Kate Forbes, the Scottish government’s finanance secretary and SNP leadership candidate, has said the turmoil in the party exposed at the end of last week confirmed her view that it needed to change. On Saturday Peter Murrell, chief executive of the party and Nicola Sturgeon’s husband, resigned after it emerged that the party had misled journalists to cover up a 30,000 fall in membership figures.

In an interview with the BBC’s Good Morning Scotland, Forbes said:

I obviously strongly believe that the events over the last few days – which have of course hurt, and I think bemused, a lot of SNP members not least myself – have confirmed my calls from the very beginning of the contest, which is that we need change in the SNP, we need change in government and that change needs to be based on some very fundamental principles of honesty, competence, transparency.

I’ve said from the very outset that continuity won’t cut it, that the status quo wasn’t good enough and that we couldn’t just continue to go on as we were going on if we wanted different results.

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