The animal kingdom is a lawless land where creatures eat their young, have sex with their dead and stab mates with a knife-like penis.

Cats will sometimes eat their babies if it is sick or a stillborn, along with desperation during an intense labor – and this cannabalistic trait is found among hedgehogs and reptiles.

Penguins have also been observed to rape each other and have sex with the dead bodies of their fellow birds.

And while most know animals are wild beings, dolphins on the other hand willing commit any crime you can think of.

Humans may have their quirks and kinks, but sex in the animal kingdom can be truly strange and excruciatingly painful. 

But just like the human world, animals have a dark side that appears within their own groups.

While rare, cats will eat their kittens. It could be the kitten is sick, a stillborn or the mother needs extra nutrients

While rare, cats will eat their kittens. It could be the kitten is sick, a stillborn or the mother needs extra nutrients 

Cannibalistic cats 

People adore felines for their unconditional love, purring and comfortable silence, but this can change the moment a mother gives birth.

While eating their kittens is rare, it tends to happen when one is sick.

The mother consumes the ill baby to stop the disease from infecting her litter. 

She will also eat a stillborn for extra nutrients to pass to the surviving kittens, but even for herself after an intense labor.

Cat owner Jahanzab Jhandeer shared in Medium: ‘Science wonders why a cat or any other animal would act in such a cruel way.

Keep in mind that as an owner, it does not affect you. Nature cannot be stopped or controlled indefinitely.’

He continued to explain that cats, just like humans, do not want to see their kittens suffer and if one lacks the ability to survive she will eat it out of mercy.

Penguin sex crimes 

Penguins have also been observed to rape each other and have sex with the dead bodies of their fellow birds

Penguins have also been observed to rape each other and have sex with the dead bodies of their fellow birds

The dark side of penguins was hidden for more than a century, until the journey to the South Pole of Dr George Murray Levick in 1911.

Levick’s paper on penguin behavior revealed evidence of gang rapes, sexual abuse of chicks and even attempts by male penguins to mate with dead females.

The Edwardian explorer was so shocked by the findings in his paper, ‘Sexual Habits of the Adelie Penguin’, that he initially recorded them in Greek to make them inaccessible to the average reader.

The paper details several instances of necrophilia, with offenders mating with bodies which had died the previous year.

Levick observed how male Adelie penguins would gather in ‘hooligan bands of half a dozen or more and hang about the outskirts of the knolls, whose inhabitants they annoy by their constant acts of depravity’. 

In 1998 more penguin depravity came to light, when people observed penguins were turning to prostitution. 

Dr Fiona Hunter, a researcher in the Zoology Department at Cambridge University, spent five years observing the birds’ mating patterns. 

Hunter and her team reported that some of the prostitute penguins tricked the males into thinking they would have sex by performing an elaborate courtship ritual, then run away with their stones.

However, females would stay with their male partner, while also having sex with others. 

‘There was no suspicion on the part of the males. Females quite often go off on their own to collect stones, so as far as the males are concerned there is no reason to suspect,’ Hunter told BBC in 1998.

‘It tends to be females targeting single males, otherwise the partner female would beat the intruder up.’

Brutal mating of bed bugs

A male bed bug has a knife-like penis that it uses to stab the female in the abdomen to guarantee insemination

A male bed bug has a knife-like penis that it uses to stab the female in the abdomen to guarantee insemination 

Bed bugs are one of the few species that mate using traumatic insemination.

The male pierces the abdomen of the female bed bug with his genitals and injects semen through the wound. 

The stab creates an open wound that can take up to two weeks to heal,

And during this time, the female is susceptible to infection that can end in death. 

Theories suggests the violent method evolved to guarantee insemination by completely bypassing typical intercourse. 

However, males have been found to mate with other males by also piercing the abdomen.

Experts believe this is because the insects’ sexual attraction is based on size. 

Dolphins are the ultimate criminals

Dolphins are known for their playful, inquisitive nature and even for saving humans who have got into trouble at sea. 

But the intelligent mammals are not so kind to harbor porpoises. 

In 2014, marine experts observed a pod of bottlenose dolphins murder one of the small mammals.

In 2014, marine experts observed a pod of bottlenose dolphins murder a porpoise. The pod beat the small mammal to death

In 2014, marine experts observed a pod of bottlenose dolphins murder a porpoise. The pod beat the small mammal to death

The researchers saw the much larger dolphins hitting the animal on its side, and continued until the porpoise was a lifeless body floating off the coast of in Cardigan Bay in West Wales.

Other research found males assert their authority by forcefully mounting other males. These were short-term shows of strength, used to dominate males from other groups.

This can lead to bloody battles in which more than 20 dolphins bite and bash each other over the right to one female. 

Dr Janet Mann, who has a special interest in dolphin sexuality, has observed encounters between herds of bottlenose dolphins and tropical dolphins, ending in a kind of homosexual orgy in which the stronger gang of bottlenose dolphins played a decidedly active role, Medium reports.

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