ALEXA owners are just noticing a special trick that’s ideal for those quieter moments.

It turns out the popular voice assistant can whisper back to you instead of the usual louder tone.



Shhh…Credit: Getty

And it’s really easy to do, as TikToker GlamMaGemz shows.

Though some people find it a little “creepy”, as she puts it.

All you have to do is whisper to Alexa.

And Alexa will whisper back to you.

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So next time you’re home late and don’t want to wake someone up, give it a try.

You may need to set it up on the Alexa app first.

Just go to Settings and look for Voice Responses.

Check that Whisper Mode is switched on.

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Then you’re good to go.

Another complaint about voice assistants is that they talk to much.

Thankfully, Amazon has made it possible to cut Alexa’s responses down too – which is equally as helpful as making Alexa whisper.

It’s known as Brief Mode.

As Amazon describes it: “When enabled, Alexa speaks less and may play a short sound instead of giving a voice response.”

For example, if you ask for a smart light to be switched off it will ping instead of speaking back to you.

To switch Brief Mode on, just go back to Settings and Voice Responses.

Make sure Brief Mode is turned on.

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