Marissa Mayer, pictured in 2019, just unveiled a new time-management product at her startup.

Photo: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg News

Marissa Mayer still doesn’t like how you work from home.

The former president and chief executive officer of Yahoo notoriously put an end to permanent work from home capabilities for her employees in 2013, stressing the importance of in-person collaboration. Back then, an internal memo sent to Yahoo employees on behalf of Ms. Mayer seemed to call into question the need to spend an entire workday at home because of, say, an appointment with the cable guy, noting “speed and quality” are often sacrificed in an at home setting.

Now, with much of the world working from home, Ms. Mayer is back with some tools to manage your time. This week, her startup Sunshine unveiled its first product—an electronic contacts manager—that promises to “make the mundane magical.” The app uses technology to automate everyday tasks, “free up your time, and make it easier to be thoughtful.”

In case you were unaware, you are wasting time updating your contact lists.

“When your contacts are organized and truly work, they create a flywheel where scheduling, planning, organizing, and being thoughtful about your relationships becomes infinitely easier,” according to Sunshine’s website.

Putting in face time at the office may be out of style in Silicon Valley. Buzzwords and hyperbole evidently aren’t.

Write to Laura Forman at [email protected]

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