Latest updates: Labour leader faces dilemma over whether to restore the whip to Corbyn despite suspension being lifted over antisemitism comments

Sienna Rodgers from LabourList has a useful explanation as to why Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters and the party leadership can reach different conclusions when studing the same rules to to whether Corbyn’s readmission to the the party automatically leads to his return to the PLP. (See 8.58am.)

Leadership interprets “5.II.3A.ii All Labour MPs shall be members of the Parliamentary Labour Party.” to mean that you can’t be a Labour MP without being a Labour member, while Corbyn allies interpret rule to mean being a Labour member makes any MP automatically a PLP member.

Dido Harding, head of NHS test and trace, has disclosed this morning that she has been “pinged” (to use Boris Johnson’s phrase) and that she is having to self-isolate.

Nothing like personal experience of your own products ….got this overnight. Feeling well. Many hours of Zoom ahead.

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