Ukraine’s armed forces claim to have repelled Russian attacks on south-eastern city; Russia building a water pipeline into Donbas region, officials say

Russian defence personnel are building a water pipeline system to connect Russia’s Rostov region Ukraine with the eastern Donbas region inside Ukraine, Russian state-owned media reported late on Sunday.

Moscow last year claimed the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which make up the broader Donbas region in Ukraine, as “republics” of Russia, in a move condemned as illegal by most members of the UN.

More than 2,600 specialists of the military construction complex of the Russian ministry of defence and over 1,000 pieces of equipment around the clock are involved in the construction of a new large water conduit that will connect the Rostov region and Donbas.”

The Russian servicemen broke the enemy’s resistance and advanced several kilometres deeper into its echeloned defence.

In four days the front moved 2 kilometres to the west.

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