Westminster raises its game for the Ukraine president who hadn’t come to the UK on a jolly

Just occasionally Westminster can raise its game. Though it usually takes someone from outside to make it happen. A British royal or a foreign head of state. But few visitors have been given the reception granted to Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Not merely extended applause. But a sense of awe. A patriot for any age. An inspirational leader whose country has been at war for nearly a year and who hasn’t once gone missing. Not something we are used to in the UK. Here the nurses and the paramedics are out on strike and you don’t see our government for dust.

More than 2,000 people were crammed into Westminster Hall, waiting for Zelenskiy’s arrival. Standing room only. Near the front were those MPs who had skipped prime minister’s questions to make sure of a prime spot. Right at the front and in the middle, Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer exchanged pleasantries. Behind them, Dominic Raab looked manic. Psycho eyes and bitten lips. He looked as if he was about to head-butt someone. The bullying investigation is taking its toll.

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