The Conservatives are doing their level best to weaken the power of the Electoral Commission

The corruption of the American right is seen at its most decadent in the disenfranchisement of black and poor citizens and the refusal to accept defeat when voter suppression fails. If you think it could not happen here, consider the fate of Britain’s “independent” Electoral Commission that once kept politics clean.

The Conservatives are in the process of either neutering or abolishing it. They are bringing voter suppression to the UK and making it clear to anyone who takes notice that the right, with its overwhelming financial advantages, wants minimal controls of big money and the political propaganda it buys. Few take notice. The corruption of politics is the strangest thing: an unnoticed outrage. It’s not that it’s an official secret. It’s just that few seem to care. One day, we’ll look back at today’s obscure manoeuvres in esoteric committees and ask why more did not protest when protesting might have made a difference.

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