It is worth asking yourself why this is the case, writes advice columnist Eleanor Gordon-Smith. It may tell you something about your own relationship to gender

I’m a 32-year-old woman and I have no female friends. I feel like everyone around me, and in the media, is obsessed with the power of female friendships at the moment. I’m getting married and I won’t have any bridesmaids, even though my partner will have a fleet of groomsmen. I don’t know how to feel about this – I used to feel shame, like there was something wrong with me, and like I was missing out on something. I don’t know why life has led me to a place where I have no female friends. I resent the articles and books about how they’re the most important thing in life – more important than family, romantic partners, pets, hobbies, work – but I don’t know if I’m resenting them because it’s what I want or if I’m actually OK with it and I’m just feeling inferior or self-conscious because of a current trend.

When I think of my time and my life, I can’t see space for female friendships, and I don’t know if I just want them as an insurance policy in case something else goes wrong. How can I resolve these issues? Is there an answer? Am I missing something?

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