The business secretary is trying to warp reality as part of the Tories’ culture war against NHS staff

Europe is right! Who would expect this sentiment to be cheered to the rafters by the Brexiteer Tory benches? Business secretary Grant Shapps claims his strikes (minimum service levels) bill “will bring us into line with other modern countries such as France, Spain Italy and Germany”, which all have laws enforcing minimum service cover during strikes. “Civilised European nations” do it, he says. So just as the government is uprooting up to 4,000 hated laws that align the UK with EU regulations, they cherrypick this new one to adopt. Except this right to sack striking workers isn’t what happens in these countries.

A sharp riposte came from the European Trade Union Confederation: no, this anti-strike law puts the UK right outside the mainstream, its general secretary, Esther Lynch, has said today. “The UK already has among the most draconian restrictions on the right to strike in Europe. The UK government’s plans would push it even further away from normal, democratic practice across Europe.” No country – none – has a law that allows a striking worker to be sacked.

Polly Toynbee is a Guardian columnist

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