The best and worst of 2022 – featuring politics, chafer grubs and ‘an embarrassing situation’

Phil Mickelson, February, on the Saudi LIV golf breakaway. “They’re scary motherfuckers to get involved with. They killed Khashoggi and have a horrible record on human rights. They execute people over there for being gay. Knowing all of this, why would I even consider it? Because this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reshape how the PGA Tour operates.”

Also cutting through in 2022: a) Brendan Clarke-Smith, Tory MP for Bassetlaw, telling England players on the eve of the first tournament since they faced racist death threats to “cut out the kneeling nonsense and the rest of the selective virtue signalling”. And b) Rishi Sunak, tweeting 13 days after Qatari officials confiscated rainbow bucket hats off Wales fans’ heads: “Hats off to Qatar for hosting an incredible World Cup so far.”

“Rooney’s lawyer claims WhatsApp messages that would show the leaking of stories to the Sun are on a phone dropped off the side of a boat. He says it is now ‘lying at the bottom of sea in Davy Jones’ locker’. Vardy asks the court: ‘Who is Davy Jones?’ The judge intervenes.”

Plus: “David Sherborne, acting for Rooney: ‘What does FFS stand for?’ Vardy: ‘Can I?’ Judge: ‘Yes.’ Vardy: ‘For fuck’s sake.’ Sherborne confirms he just wanted to check he understood. This is day one of a seven day trial.”

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