ONLINE games have become increasingly popular, as internet connections grow stronger and more stable.

Playing against people all over the world, means that you can test your skills against the best.

Mario Kart is best played online.


Mario Kart is best played online.

While online games are often thought of as shooters, there’s a whole host of gaming genres you can try online.

Here are our top ten multiplayer games you can play online.

10. Fortnite

Fortnite quickly became an online phenomenon with people all over the world signing up to play the online shooter.

While other battle royale games fell out of popular favour, Fortnite has remained on top.

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It contains popular crossovers from TV, film, games, and even real people, bringing in fans of other series.

Combine that with the colourful outfits, the catchy dances, and the pop offs when you win, and you get a truly engaging game.

9. Pokémon VGC

Pokémon has always been about the online elements, and with the release of Scarlet and Violet, it’s easier to battle others than ever before.

While it seems simple on the surface, Pokémon has a deep level of strategy in its battle system.

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The latest changes mean that you can build a competitive battle team in minutes, or you can rent someone else’s set in seconds.

You can play in ranked or friendly matches, so no matter your skill level there’s something for everyone to try.

8. Apex Legends

Unlike Fortnite, Apex Legends is more of a hero shooter than a battle royale, making it a very different game. 

It’s one of the most complex shooters around, and the number of maps you need to learn makes it highly strategic.

Team up in squads of three, whether that’s friends or strangers, and you’re let loose on the map.

With the wide range of skills each player can have, no two matches are the same.

7. Rocket League

People love cars. People love football. It was only a matter of time before someone put the two together.

Taking place in a dome rather than on a pitch, you will soar across the ground as the ball arcs high.

The wacky physics make multiplayer matches more hilarious than they are seriously competitive.

However, once you make it to the higher ranks you will see others who take this silly football simulator very seriously.

6. Grand Theft Auto Online

Grand Theft Auto is one of the most popular series of all time, and the Online version has brought unprecedented longevity to the game.

In the open world of Los Santos, the sky’s the limit, as you collect cars, take on heists and amass your fortune.

Rockstar updates the online game frequently, so that there are always new things for you to discover.

Even better, you can team up with your friends online in order to take on the game’s tougher challenges.

5. Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact was released in 2020, and it was a surprise free-to-play hit.

While there are a lot of players who pay money for more Primo Gems and grab the best characters, it can be played without spending a penny.

Like GTA, Genshin Impact’s developer HoYoVerse frequently updates the game adding new characters, areas, and quests.

An RPG of this depth and complexity is rarely seen with such good online play.

4. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Most fighting games are best played online, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is best played in absolute chaos.

Up to eight people can play online together, and a less-skilled player can do quite well when caught up in the fray.

Easy to pick up, but difficult to master, you can also try to take on players in a more serious arena.

Filled with different characters you can take control of, you could keep playing forever and never play the same match twice.

3. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

When people think of online games, they think of shooters. Even more precisely they think of CS:GO.

First launched in 2012, CS:GO maintains an extremely active online community even a decade later.

It comes with a long list of modes so that all kinds of players will find something they enjoy.

The reason that it has endured as long as it has, is that it inspired the modern shooters of today.

2. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Another game that launched almost a decade ago, the original Mario Kart 8 came out on the WiiU on 2014.

However, it’s a completely different beast on the Switch, where added DLC will double the number of tracks, and online play means you can keep challenging people online.

You can play against friends or strangers online, and test out your skills on a number of different difficulties and tracks.

The random nature of Mario Kart means that even those who aren’t confident have a good chance to come in pole position.

1. Minecraft

All of these games are excellent, but none of them stand up to the beauty and creativity of Minecraft.

Minecraft is a simple sandbox, where players can collect materials and build anything they can imagine.

Whether that’s a complete recreation of Middle-Earth, or the Titanic, if you can think of it, someone has probably built it in Minecraft.

Build with friends, show off what you have made, or go see the glorious creations others have made.

Written by Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.

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