This aimless celebrity singalong is a litany of failed attempts to be interesting. From its low-calibre guests to the forced grins during its low-key musical numbers, it’s utterly unremarkable

Saturday night entertainment shows: like Christmas crackers, mulled wine or England in the latter stages of international football tournaments, they promise to bring cheer and almost always cause bitter disappointment. Yet we have collectively decided that we have to keep trying. Every few months, a TV studio has its floor buffed to a sheen and we’re told: this is the one. This one will be fun, not a cheesy ordeal. Here we go again, then, with That’s My Jam (BBC One).

Mo Gilligan is your host, on a stage with a live band. Is it a talent show? No, because the participants joining him before a hollering live audience are celebrities, split into two teams of two and given a series of musical challenges for which points are arbitrarily awarded by the presenter … A-ha, so it’s a panel game, with mic stands instead of chairs and desks.

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