Yet again, this show has proved that it is possible to make outstanding TV that both plays to the crowd and refuses to sing the classics. What a glorious way to see off the year

There can be a tendency for television shows – particularly popular, much discussed, endlessly meme-ed ones – to hedge their bets in order to protect the franchise. Often, when a drama becomes a bona fide hit, it is less likely to plump for a definitive ending. Wanting to preserve the magic for another season, it ekes it out just enough to satisfy while dangling a carrot for the next go around. It’s safe to say that The White Lotus (Sky Atlantic) has no such qualms about choosing a side.

What an ending this was. It wrapped up its storylines with decreasing levels of subtlety, from Albie being “played” by Lucia, moving through the resilience of Daphne’s determined denial, ramping all the way up to Tanya the destroyer, and ultimately the destroyed. Did you see it coming? Tanya was always in danger – “These gays! They’re trying to murder me!” – but it was a chef’s kiss to have her almost get away, having shot her way through her enemies, only to be undone by her own poor aim, and possibly the fact that she didn’t take off her heels before jumping.

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