Some say this is a betrayal of leftwing values, but I refuse to see people abandoned while those who can pay are treated faster

  • Wes Streeting is the shadow health secretary

The NHS is heading into this winter facing the biggest crisis in its history. People are finding it impossible to see a GP when they need to and 24 hours in A&E is no longer just a TV programme, but the grim reality for patients. When patients call 999 in an emergency, they can no longer be sure an ambulance will reach them in time.

Behind the statistics are people suffering, for months or even years, putting their lives on hold because of their pain. Thousands of people are forced out of work because they are waiting for operations or have to look after elderly relatives who can’t get the care they need. Young people still dealing with the mental health scars of lockdown wait years for any help, so cannot begin their working lives.

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