An explosive envelope that was delivered at the gate of the U.S. Embassy in Madrid was detonated in a controlled environment without injury, two U.S. officials said Thursday.

Over the past couple of days, similar explosive letters were sent to other locations throughout Spain, including the Spanish Defense Ministry.

“We can confirm a suspicious package was received at the U.S. Embassy in Madrid and are aware of reports of other packages sent to additional locations throughout Spain,” a State Department spokesperson said. “We will continue to evaluate the security situation and provide updates as appropriate.”

Police in Spain said the envelope “contained substances similar to those used in pyrotechnics.”

The embassy remains open for American Citizen Services.

Earlier this week, a package was sent to the Ukrainian Embassy in Madrid, injuring a security officer, and to an arms company in Spain that manufactures rocket launchers donated to Ukraine. The package sent to the embassy was addressed to Ukraine’s ambassador to Spain, Serhii Pohoreltsev. The officer was injured when the package burst into flames. He was treated for minor wounds on his hand and returned to work.

Spanish police said they are investigating whether the two packages are linked.

As a result, Ukraine ordered all of Kyiv’s embassies abroad to strengthen security.

The Russian Embassy in Spain condemned the attacks in a translated statement. “Any threat or terrorist act, even more directed against at diplomatic missions, are totally reprehensible,” the statement said.

The Interior Ministry, which is in charge of Spain’s police forces, said that the envelope sent to the embassy was intercepted at a security screening point and that it had “similar characteristics as the previous ones.” Authorities detonated it after they cordoned off a wide area around the building.

Investigators have not determined who is responsible.

The Associated Press contributed.

Source: | This article originally belongs to

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