As frustration builds over failing services, the government accepted something must be done. They just don’t know what

Turning up at any station on the Avanti west coast line is an article of faith, a triumph of hope over experience. The timetable is just wishful thinking. Trains are cancelled, delayed or disappeared seemingly at will. And if you do find one going in your general direction, you’re expected to be so grateful that you don’t notice there are no seats left. Much the same goes with the ironically named TransPennine Express. You’d hate to take the non-Express service. It might be quicker to walk.

So it was no surprise that on Thursday Labour was granted an urgent question to see if there was any chance that the performance of these two rail franchises might improve anytime soon. Similar UQs about the railways get asked at least once a month and we were now long overdue. Not that anyone was expecting any more enlightening answers. But it was important to let everyone know that someone was bothered about it.

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