Civilians leave Kherson just weeks after celebrating its recapture by Ukrainian forces; Moscow ‘shocked’ by Vladimir Makei’s death ahead of meeting with Russian counterpart

Heavy snowfall was expected in Kyiv starting on Sunday, with temperatures dropping below freezing day and night, while millions of people who still live in and around the Ukrainian capital remain with little electricity and heat.

Reuter reported grid operator Ukrenergo as saying on Saturday that electricity producers were able to cover only three-quarters of consumption needs, necessitating restrictions and blackouts across the country.

If consumption increases in the evening, the number of outages may increase.

This once again shows how important it is now to save power and consume it rationally.

Now we are free, but we have to leave, because there is shelling, and there are dead among the population.

We went through real hell. Our neighborhood was burning, it was a nightmare. Everything was in flames.

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