As I plan my family’s holiday road trip in a few weeks’ time, my mind keeps turning to The Oregon Trail. Just like in the game (and the lives of actual early travelers), we’ll be traversing several Western states, dodging deadly illness, and rationing food. But if I’m honest, gamifying my thoughts has been an escapist treat, a way to not face my true fears of hurtling down the road in a thin steel box for days on end.

The reality is scary. The pandemic may be entering its worst phase yet, with coronavirus cases and hospitalizations surging all over the map. But the social cost of keeping families apart is rising too. My parents are elderly, and these many months of isolation and postponed medical appointments have walloped their health. They haven’t even met their youngest grandchild. Finding a way to see them—safely—has become one of my highest priorities.

For me that means a multiday journey down Interstate 80. Some road-tripping advice hasn’t changed from the summer, when cooped-up travelers sprinted for the closest campsite. But winter weather—and a surge in case loads—adds complications. Here’s my checklist for traveling long distances while limiting your chances of spreading or contracting the virus.

Talk to Your Family

Traveling will increase your risk of spreading and potentially contracting Covid-19. So the first thing to do is to talk to the people you’re visiting. Make sure they actually want you to come. Are they comfortable with your lifestyle and choices? Are they as Covid-cautious as you’d like them to be? Hash out a plan for what you’ll do before you reunite. Will all parties quarantine or get tested? The answer will affect how you plan your trip.

Once everyone agrees to a plan, it’s time to think about your vehicle.

Prepare Your Car

You never want your car to break down in the middle of a desert, but you especially don’t want that to happen in a pandemic. This year the American Automobile Association has seen an uptick in service calls, especially for faulty batteries, spokesperson Aldo Vazquez says. It makes sense: During the lockdown, more cars sat idle in garages for longer periods, endangering their batteries. So before you hit the road, take your car in for a full check-up of the battery, tire pressure, fluid levels, and more.

Renting a car is a good option. The big rental-car companies have all instituted more-intense cleaning regimens, including disinfection of high-touch areas such as the door handles, dashboard controls, and steering wheel. If you seek more peace of mind, you can do your own quick wipe-down, roll down the windows to air out the interior, and wash your hands before touching your face.

Whatever you’re driving, you’ll want to pick up an emergency kit or at least procure the basics: jumper cables, a multitool, some duct tape, a blanket, a first aid kit. If you think you might hit a winter storm, grab some snow chains too.

Get Your Tech in Order

You’re about to venture into the great beyond. Possibly even, dare I say it, into a cell phone dead zone. Before you leave home, download your maps so they’re available offline. To do so on Google Maps, search for a place of interest. Once it pops up, click the name of the place at the bottom, and the option to download that map should appear. You can then drag a window to customize the area you’re capturing.

Then immediately go find a car phone charger, put it in your car, and never remove it. For bonus points, pack an extra power brick. To offset a scintilla of road-tripping climate guilt, consider one from Nimble, which makes environmentally responsible charging accessories. (If you’re traveling with young children, you might need to top up an iPad mid-drive.) Even more bonus points: paper maps.

Pack Smartly

If your trip spans several days and you want to maximize social distance, you’ll need to pack more stuff than in a normal year. And that means being highly strategic about cargo space.

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