A deal in which the UK gives France £62m to keep more of an eye on boats leaving its coast for England heralds a new amity among neighbours

Who knew? Being nice to people sometimes pays dividends. Since becoming prime minister, Rishi Sunak has been going out of the way to schmooze other world leaders. So much so, that his relationship with Emmanuel Macron has morphed from a flirtatious bromance to long-term commitment inside a week.

Clearly Rish! ringing up the French president every night pleading with him to be his friend – “I love you, I love you. Be my friend. PLEASE. P-L-E-A-S-E. Just tell me what you want. I’m not like the others. Boris and Truss may have laughed at you. But I look up to you. Literally. I love you, I love you. Just tell me what I have to do to be your friend” – is the way to Manu’s heart.

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