Readers respond to an article by Julian Baggini about those who try to keep their energy bills low even though they could afford to pay bigger bills

Julian Baggini is absolutely right: my wife and I could afford to turn our central heating on. But the reason we have not yet done so has nothing to do with the vacuous posturing that he thinks he has detected and named (As prices rise, the cost of living crisis has reawakened the ‘thriftifarians’, 17 October). It is simply the fact that we feel morally compelled to make our contribution, tiny as it is, to the fight against the climate crisis. I suppose it is also important that we come out and say so.
Dr James Willis
Alton, Hampshire

• As a philosopher commenting on how the world thinks, Julian Baggini fails to mention those who are cutting energy use in solidarity with Ukraine, or those who are doing so for the good of the country, as recommended by Ofgem, while our incompetent government blocks plans for a public information campaign to encourage people to reduce their energy use.

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