After the end of No Time to Die, we examine how the British ambassador of death-defying derring-do has used reinvention to survive so long

It’s the 60th anniversary of James Bond and the right time for all TikTok to be going crazy for “James Bond chord guy” – Jord, or @jrw21 – who’s got 1.4m views and climbing for his hilarious guitar tutorial on how to play the James Bond Chord, E minor with a major 7th and 9th, first used in the soundtrack for the first Bond film, Dr No, which premiered on 5 October 1962.

The tense, unresolved chord, says Jord, usually follows Bond saying something cool and then Jord himself demonstrates in a surreally broad Sheffield accent: “Oh Mr Goldfinger, yeah. Come in. We’ve got space for you to have a haircut. Come on, sit down here. Fuckin’ jokin, dickhead. I’m not really a barber. I’ m fuckin’ James Bond. Short back and blow your fuckin’ ’ead off? TWAT!” And then that eerie chord ….

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