Latest updates: shadow chancellor to give address at Labour party conference in Liverpool

John McDonnell, the former shadow chancellor, told the Today programme this morning that he used to support the first past the post electoral system, but that he became a supporter of proportional representation about 10 years ago when he concluded “we can’t go on like this because the system is so unfair”.

He explained:

The last general election demonstrated that – an 80 seat majority, but based upon not that great a difference between the political parties. So I think there comes a time when you need to review your constitutional arrangements. We need a fairer voting system – simple as that.

When we go into government next time, we want to be a government that’s based upon a majority of the views of the population. And if that means other parties having a role in that government, I’m not averse to that.

I still think Labour will get an overall majority in the next election.

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