From fracking happy Jacob Rees-Mogg to Nadhim Zahawi and his warm horses, the Tory top table is beyond parody

My newly opened standup show, Basic Lee, has to hold together until its final dates in the spring of 2024, so is it worth me even writing any material about the Liz Truss government? Having moved beyond the safe space of Conservative party leadership hustings, it seems Truss will dissolve on contact with air, combusting in a burning flame of Brexit reality. Trying to write durable standup material about the Truss government makes about as much sense as trying to befriend a mayfly or marry a disposable barbecue.

Consider this for a cabinet. We have Jacob Rees-Mogg, an energy minister who believes humanity “should adapt to climate change”. Perhaps by learning to drink fire. And eating despair. Tree-Frog is currently trying to loosen the definition of exactly what constitutes an earthquake, so as to enable further fatal fossil fuel exploitation in the form of fracking. Fair play. Dehydration of clay soils where I live, caused by fossil fuel-exacerbated climate change, means all my British Comedy Awards fall off the display ziggurat every time a mildly overweight man in a Sinclair C5 goes past the house. But Tree-Frog says something is only officially an earthquake now if the Mole Man from Fantastic Four ™ ® issue 1 (1961) has emerged from a great fissure in the street with his mole-human hybrids the Moloids seeking to subjugate the surface world.

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