IF your definition of a well-spent bank holiday is sitting down and relaxing with a good book, you might be wondering whether your local library is open.

Whether you want to get some studying or reading in during the Queen funeral bank holiday, this is what you need to know about libraries’ opening times.

Are libraries open on the Queen funeral Bank Holiday?

Different libraries are governed by different areas/councils and therefore there is not a widespread rule that applies to them all.

This being said, the vast majority of libraries will not be opening their doors on Monday, September, 19.

Several universities have said that their libraries will not be open on the bank holiday, including Oxford University, Cambridge University, The University of Bristol, The University of Nottingham, and The University of Exeter.

It is best to look on the university’s website to check whether they are opening the library, however, it seems that the majority of university libraries will be closed.

If you go to a public library, the local council website will give you all the information you need on whether they’ll open the book dome or not.

Libraries might close to enjoy the last summer bank holiday before school starts


Libraries might close to enjoy the last summer bank holiday before school startsCredit: Alamy

If you have a very small local library then you may find the library is shut as employee numbers are minimal.

Can I get a library book delivered during the Queen funeral Bank Holiday?

Many of the libraries that have announced their closure on the bank holiday have stipulated that this applied to “all their services”.

This means that, most likely, they will also suspend their delivery service on the day of the Queen’s funeral.

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You can check your local or university libraries’ websites to be sure of their services.

When are the Bank Holiday dates in 2022?

Prior to the news that Queen Elizabeth II passed away on September 8, 2022, Brits had nine bank holidays this year.

However, the date of the Queen’s funeral has been declared a bank holiday and therefore most businesses and schools will be closed on Monday, September 19.

Northern Ireland and Scotland have some bank holidays in addition to those celebrated in the rest of the UK.

latest on opening times

This is the full list of bank holidays in 2022:

  • Monday, January 3 (Substitute New Year’s Day)
  • Friday, April 15 (Good Friday)
  • Sunday, April 17 (Easter Sunday)
  • Monday, May 2 (Early May Holiday)
  • Thursday, June 2 (Spring Bank Holiday)
  • Friday, June 3 (Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday)
  • Monday, August 29 (Summer Bank Holiday)
  • Monday, September 19 (Her Majesty’s funeral)
  • Monday, December 26 (Boxing Day)
  • Tuesday, December 27 (Substitute Christmas Holiday)

The spring bank holiday was moved from its usual space in May to give us all a four-day weekend over the Jubilee.

This post first appeared on thesun.co.uk

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