Amazon Prime Day is winding down. Here on the WIRED Gear team, we scrolled through thousands of deals to find a way to save money on some of our favorite whizbangs and gizmos. If you’re looking for ways to make cooking a little easier or to get motivated to get moving, read on.

Note: We strike through items that sell out or rise in price as we update this guide. Discounts sometimes return quickly, so check for yourself. You’ll need a subscription to Amazon Prime to get most of these deals.

Updated October 15: We’ve crossed off a few deals that have expired. Prime Day ends at 11:59 pm Pacific, October 14.

WIRED’s Prime Day Coverage

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Robot Vacuum Deals

Photograph: Roborock
  • iRobot Roomba 960 for $300 ($200 off): When I (Adrienne) first tested the Roomba 900 series, it was a revelation. The rubber brush never got stuck, the suction was powerful, and Dirt Detect—which finds high-traffic areas and gives them a more thorough scrubbing—sniffed out the gross spots in our carpets with creepy but appreciated accuracy. The only thing I didn’t like was the price, and now they’re much more affordable.

  • iRobot Roomba 692 for $200 ($117 off): Any time an iRobot vacuum dips near $200, it’s a good deal. Although this is an older model, it still has a powerful motor, world-class navigation, and features that I still have yet to see in more expensive robot vacuums—like Dirt Detect.

  • Ecovacs Deebot T8 for $550 ($100 off): This is the best vac-mop combo we tried. It has obstacle identification and the ability to customize your map with virtual boundaries, designated areas, and multiple floors. It also has a microphone and Wi-Fi-enabled camera that you can navigate—you’ll love that feature or hate the idea of your vacuum being a hackable target. The Ecovac Deebot U2 is also on sale for $200 ($50 off) and the T5 is on sale for $450 ($150 off).

  • Shark IQ Robot XL for $335 ($215 off): This robot vac has a life-changing self-emptying bin. It includes magnetic boundary strips for when the map doesn’t work (I did have some trouble with mapping in testing) and its app is attractive and easy to use.

  • Yeedi K650 Robot Vacuum for $160 ($60 off)—Click On-Page Coupon: I (Adrienne) am currently testing this robot vacuum, which has performed surprisingly well given its low price point. It doesn’t have mapping capabilities, but it also hasn’t gotten caught by common robot vacuum traps, like my kitchen step. It also has a long runtime of over 2 hours.

  • Roborock S5 MAX Robovac and Mop for $439 ($110 off): This Alexa-enabled robovac comes with a built-in mop and virtual floor mapping so it knows just which surfaces to use water on. Roborock isn’t a household name, but Senior Writer Adrienne So says they make surprisingly good products, and she expects this to be no exception.

  • Roborock S6 MaxV Robovac With Mop and Lidar for $600 ($200 off): Two cameras, Lidar, and a special AI engine make this robot vacuum and mop from Roborock one of the least likely to bump into household objects. It’s even compatible with Google Assistant and Alexa, should you want to control your vacuum with your voice.

Kitchen and Home Deals

Photograph: Amazon
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