The president will speak from Philadelphia, the birthplace of US democracy, and is expected to evoke a battle for the ‘soul of the nation’

And just in: the January 6 committee is requesting testimony from Newt Gingrich, a Trump ally and former House speaker.

In a letter sent today, the committee said it is interested in emails between Gingrich and former Trump senior advisers, including Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, that the committee said provided input on advertisements repeating election lies.

Trump said he would pardon and apologize to those who participated in the deadly attack on the US Capitol on January 6 if he were elected to the White House again.

“I mean full pardons with an apology to many,” he told Wendy Bell, a conservative radio host on Thursday. “I will be looking very, very strongly about pardons, full pardons.”

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