A leafy corner of the staunchly Labour district has become a hotbed of rightwing Tories backing Liz Truss for Conservative leader

Places so often come to define political leaders. Tony Blair’s constituency may have been Sedgefield in County Durham, but there was little doubt that his true constituency was Islington, north London. David Cameron emerged from the Notting Hill set with George Osborne and Michael Gove, before finding his heartland in the Cotswolds with a Chipping Norton crew who included a One Nation dream of Succession-lite media barons, TV bloviators and artisanal cheesemakers.

Liz Truss, Britain’s prime minister in waiting, is harder to pin geographically: she grew up in Oxford, Scotland and Canada, and finally won her parliamentary seat in South West Norfolk. So where is the spiritual home of Trussism? The answer, increasingly, seems to be a pleasant, affluent but not-very-Richard-Curtis run of streets west of the royal park in Greenwich, south-east London.

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