A TOP Treasury Minister today confirmed the government IS cooking up a new cost of living package to help struggling families.

Simon Clarke, a key supporter of Liz Truss, said measures were being drawn up so the next Prime Minister can take action immediately upon taking office.

Simon Clarke has confirmed the government is working on a cost of living package


Simon Clarke has confirmed the government is working on a cost of living packageCredit: EPA

He did not give any details of the support but said it would be for whoever becomes Tory leader to consider when they enter No10.

Rivals Ms Truss and Rishi Sunak have rejected calls to get together and agree more help before the race ends on September 5.

Both are at loggerheads over the best way to cushion the onslaught of rocketing shopping costs and energy price spikes

Frontrunner Ms Truss has vowed to prioritise tax cuts but is refusing to commit to offering more direct payments to squeezed Brits.

Yet today’s remarks by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury – tipped to be her Chancellor – suggests further measures are in the pipeline.

Mr Clarke said: “Of course, the Government is working up a package of cost of living support that the next Prime Minister can consider when they take office.”

It is absolutely right to consider these options in the round when the new Prime Minister has taken office – rather than announce new un-costed policies, without sight of all the details of the pressures people could face, during a leadership election.”

Hinting that Ms Truss would green light further measures beyond her flagship tax cuts, he added: “I have no doubt she will do the responsible and honest thing by considering these proposals when in office.”

Most read in The Sun

The Foreign Secretary this morning remained tight-lipped about any further help, insisting she would not “write the next Budget” now.

She instead hailed her tax cuts bonanza that would see her reverse the National Insurance hike and ditch green levies on energy bills for two years.

Ms Truss also said fracking would help bring down energy costs in the long term.

Sunak supporting MP Theresa Villiers today warned Ms Truss’ plan would stoke inflation.

She told Sky News: “Rishi’s determined, if he’s PM, to do as much as he can to help people through what is a crisis around the world with energy bills.”

This post first appeared on thesun.co.uk

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