From James Acaster breaking down on Bake Off to a Sylvanian TikTok drama, here is the Australian comedian’s selection of fine memes and hilarious videos

Oh, internet … my best friend, my arch nemesis, my ride or die. We’ve been together for as long as I can remember, I am after all, a Gen Z. (Cusp, don’t question it!)

As a certified purveyor of fine memes, the internet makes up nine-tenths of my personality. I would rather tell you my pin number than reveal my clocked screentime hours. I genuinely search YouTube fail videos to help cure my assortment of (probably internet-fuelled) mental illnesses and my everyday conversation consists of so many acronyms and TikTok soundbites that I advise all future lovers to open a permanent Urban Dictionary tab. PSA, you may also need to do that after reading this article!

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