How can I turn my enjoyable side hustle business into a full-time gig – or should I even bother?

I’ve been running a very small business for four years, and I’ve struggled to get it past the hobby stage. 

It’s installing and maintaining fish tanks and ponds. I do this around my full-time job, so it’s never been more than a hobby, but I’d like it to become more as it’s something I’m really passionate about. 

Our business doctor Dave Fishwick (pictured) shares his views on whether turning a hobby into a full-time job is a smart move

Our business doctor Dave Fishwick (pictured) shares his views on whether turning a hobby into a full-time job is a smart move

Our business doctor Dave Fishwick (pictured) shares his views on whether turning a hobby into a full-time job is a smart move

I’ve tried advertising via Facebook and other free platforms, but it doesn’t seem to be getting me any further – I have had the same regular customers and can’t seem to add more.

I’m unsure what to try next to get more customers or if it’s worth spending time or money to do so? Do you have any tips? A.P, via email

Dave Fishwick, This is Money business doctor, replies: It is great to hear you’ve started your own business alongside your regular job, especially if it is a career you’re passionate about, as that really does make the difference. 

Passion, self-belief and drive are vital to succeed in becoming self-employed.

I started working for myself at 17. However, I also had two additional jobs in the evening and weekends for a few years after to make sure I could pay my rent, bills, and feed myself. 

I only kicked the sticks away and went self-employed full-time once I was sure the business was in a position where it could fully support itself and feed me.

When is the right time? In part depends on your financial situation and commitments, the state of the market you are entering and the overall economy. 

Most importantly, will your business earn you a decent living?. From my experience of running many companies, I have found customers would even find you at the bottom of the sea if your service is excellent and your price is right.

As it is, you currently have a job which pays you an income, and you also have a sideline which pays you an income, and that’s a great situation to be in, especially in these uncertain and unprecedented times. 

What you don’t want to do, is give up your full-time job and find that when your sideline has to support your lifestyle, you’re working, but actually losing money and eroding your savings.

While it is sometimes unavoidable, that a new venture won’t make a profit initially, marketing can be one of the biggest outgoings for a young company, and there’s no fixed formula that fits all businesses. 

Don’t spend enough and you risk losing out on custom; spend too much, and you can find it brings diminishing returns and simply won’t bring in enough new business to warrant the expense.

Being in a specialist or niche business affects how you market your business, too; it is of less value to you to push out mass marketing than, say, selling a brand of cola or chocolate bar. 

On the other hand, there should be less competition out there for your niche services in fish tanks and ponds.

It is more important to be seen by people who are actually in the market for your services, so I would consider advertising in specialist fish magazines and, of course, make sure you have a good web and online presence, including all relevant keywords which your customers may be searching for on search engines, like Google. 

I also recommend you go on one of the basic and very affordable Google courses, teaching SEO or search engine optimisation. 

This is the practice of including content on your site that has the potential to improve your site’s visibility to search engines and their users. 

In other words, SEO can help your site show up more often in many relevant searches for your niche products and services, which is precisely what you need.

Your competitors are always learning, so every day, you need to know a little bit more because the world keeps changing.

Being well represented online now accounts for the majority of advertising for many businesses. 

However, I also have another tip for you, visit all the garden centres, large pet shops and fish suppliers within a fifty-mile radius of your location. Tell them about your skills in installing and maintaining fish tanks and ponds. 

Take lots of photos and really sell yourself to the owners; ask them to promote you to their customers, and in return, you will pay them a finders fee or a share of each job that they pass on to you.

Always go to the root of the supply chain, and you will find that they will already be talking to your potential core customers. Good luck.

Dave shares his view on whether it is worth looking for a new job that offers more flexible working

Dave shares his view on whether it is worth looking for a new job that offers more flexible working

Dave shares his view on whether it is worth looking for a new job that offers more flexible working

I want to go hybrid: Should I look for a new job?

I have an office job-based in London. Before the pandemic, I was in five days a week. During the lockdown, that became full-time from home, like many other workers.

Then, in the aftermath, it became a hybrid model, where I’d work two days from home – Monday and Friday – then three days in the office, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

However, earlier in the year, bosses decided to go back to a five-day in the office, which many workers were unhappy about, including me.

I’ve realised I like the hybrid way of working, with more quality spent at home with the family instead of lost commuting – just working two days at home per week saves me six hours a week, not on the train. I also like still coming into the office and seeing my colleagues.

Bosses listened to our arguments about why we were just as productive working part of the week at home, but regardless, they’ve stuck to their guns, and it’s left me pondering my future.

Do you think it is worth me hunting for a new job with a more flexible way of doing things – and potentially even using that as leverage to get my current bosses to change their minds?

Dave replies: The pandemic has brought about many changes to our work lives and society. 

Some may be positive or just an acceleration of changes that would happen anyway, whereas other changes have been far less positive.

It made many of us re-evaluate lifestyles and careers, perhaps wondering why we spend hours of our days commuting on busy roads or packed public transport, or why we live in fume-filled towns and cities when homeworking and maybe even a move to the countryside could promise a better work-life balance and perhaps an overall better quality of life. 

While it isn’t an option in many jobs, advancements in technology have enabled many more people to work from home where it might not previously have been possible.

Many employees will see a benefit to their finances, too; if you can gain extra hours of free time in your day and save on commuting costs, like train fares or fuel, lunches, workwear and so on, that may well seem like an attractive option. 

On an individual level, factors like your home life, the number of people you work with daily, the stage of your career and your seniority could determine whether you benefit from homeworking or possibly lose out.

One employee’s benefit may be another’s loss; young workers benefit from interaction with more senior colleagues to gain the best experience. 

They could lose out on this side of their career progression and the social aspects of working life.

Whether it’s desirable for widespread uptake of home working, I think, is a far more complex question on a societal level. 

Transport may need more taxpayer subsidy, and town centre shops and cafes might not survive the transition without custom from city workers. 

There is a danger that problems already faced by many of our town centres for some years before the pandemic may be exacerbated, and something I worry about is that we may end up with lifeless areas at the heart of our larger towns and cities.

Perhaps it is inevitable that we are heading in this direction; however, if that’s the case, we need to work out how we repurpose those areas. 

In your case, I think you need to balance your own interests with the interests of your employer. 

It’s been some time since lockdown, so it’s fair to say your bosses and you have given hybrid working a fair trial. It seems they have concluded that it isn’t working for them as well as full-time office working.

You argued your case well that you were just as productive working from home, so I wonder if they thought differently, perhaps looking at their employees collectively, or maybe they find it more challenging to manage staff remotely as part of the more comprehensive running of the business and this affected the overall productivity.

I wonder if they told you why they came to that conclusion? If they didn’t, maybe you should ask. A good employer should be as open as possible with employees.

Understandably, having experienced the benefits hybrid working brought you, you would want to continue working that way. If you think that’s more important than continuing your current employment, you should consider other jobs. 

If you do, though, I would do it with the view of changing careers. If you did manage to force your employer to change their mind with the threat of leaving, I think it would sour the relationship between you and them, and that might affect you in the future with your career progression, or even if, at some point in the future, they need to make redundancies.

I hope you really do find the work-life balance you’re looking for, and we all manage to work through the aftermath of the pandemic together.

Ask Dave Fishwick a business or career advice question

Self-made millionaire and entrepreneur Dave Fishwick is our new columnist responding to your questions about business and careers.

Dave has a hugely successful minibus and vehicle business based in Lancashire and rose to fame with his BAFTA-winning television series, Bank of Dave, which saw him battle the big banks.

He is ready to answer your questions, whether you own a business, thinking about starting one or have general career questions. 

In his spare time, he likes to give talks to inspire people to be the best they can. 

A Netflix movie about Bank of Dave is set to air at the end of the year/start of 2023 and he has been a friend to This is Money for the last decade. He now wants to impart some of his wisdom and advice to our readers.

If you would like to ask Dave a question, please email him at [email protected] 

Dave will do his best to reply to your message in a forthcoming column, but he won’t be able to answer everyone or correspond privately with readers. Nothing in his replies constitutes regulated financial advice. Published questions are sometimes edited for brevity or other reasons.

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