A GEOMAGNETIC storm is expected to hit Earth’s magnetic field on July 6, experts say.

Earth earlier last week, a massive solar flare from the Sun targeted our planet.

A geomagnetic storm is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field on July 6, experts say.


A geomagnetic storm is expected to hit Earth’s magnetic field on July 6, experts say.Credit: Getty
Solar wind flowing from this northern coronal hole could reach Earth in two days' time


Solar wind flowing from this northern coronal hole could reach Earth in two days’ timeCredit: SDO/AIA

While it did not impact the Earth, the flare “snowplowed some dense solar wind plasma in our direction”, according to SpaceWeather.com.

And now, experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecast that a minor G1-class geomagnetic storm will hit on July 6th.

A G1 geomagnetic storm classification means the solar event won’t affect humans on the Earth but can cause minor disruptions to power grids and satellite operations.

This storm will also produce auroras that may visible to those living across many northern-tier US states.

What is a solar flare and why do they keep hitting Earth?
Wild solar flares are causing satellites to plummet back to Earth, experts claim

NOAA experts noted that the stream of solar wind is flowing from a “cyclops-like hole in the sun’s atmosphere”.

Holes in the sun’s atmosphere are known as ‘coronal holes’.

They are basically areas in the Sun’s atmosphere that appear dark in X-ray and ultraviolet images.

Coronal holes are very hot and consist of a glowing outer layer of atmosphere that surrounds the sun.

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They can also extend millions of miles into space.

It is through these holes that particles can escape. They are also a major source of high-speed solar wind streams. 

Therefore, when the solar particles hit Earth they may cause geomagnetic storms.

What are solar flares?

A solar fare is an eruption of intense high-energy radiation from the sun’s surface.

When solar flares hit Earth’s magnetic field, they are called ‘solar storms’.

This event can cause geomagnetic storms that affect our satellites and the power grid.

Each solar storm that hits Earth is graded by severity.

Some cause radio blackouts and can pose a threat to astronauts on the ISS.

One good thing about solar storms is that they can produce natural light displays like the Northern Lights, or Auroras.

Auroras are examples of the Earth’s magnetic field getting bombarded by the solar wind, which creates stunning green and blue displays.

This post first appeared on Thesun.co.uk

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