The singer-songwriter on dreaming of a giant reptile, listening to sports radio and snogging under a police spotlight

Born in Maryland, Josh Tillman (AKA Father John Misty), 41, moved to Seattle in 2002, where he worked in a bakery and began to record music. In 2008, he became drummer for Fleet Foxes and spent four years touring with the band while continuing to work on solo material. In 2012, he released Fear Fun, his first album under the name Father John Misty. His second, I Love You, Honeybear, received critical acclaim. In April, his latest album, Chloë and the Next 20th Century, entered the UK album charts at No 2. Next year he will tour the UK. He is married and lives in Los Angeles.

When were you happiest?
Whenever it was, it’s likely I was actually miserable, destitute and alone.

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