England is facing ‘perfect storm’ and rule-breakers face heavy fines; Poland and Indonesia also see record daily rise. Follow developments here

Australia’s prime minister Scott Morrison is currently being interviewed on the ABC’s Insiders program.

He’s asked about what Treasury modelling says will be the impact of cutting back JobSeeker and JobKeeper (government payments for those who have lost work or jobs). Morrison isn’t giving any specific answer despite being pushed. He says more than 400,000 jobs have come back and there will be more by Christmas, with Victoria bouncing back too.

There were 14 new cases and the loss of 5 lives reported in Victoria in the past 24 hours.

#COVID19VicData: Yesterday there were 14 new cases and the loss of 5 lives reported. The 14 day rolling average & number of cases with unknown source are down from yesterday as we move toward COVID Normal. Info: https://t.co/eTputEZdhs #COVID19Vic pic.twitter.com/AVvaMLwUpQ

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