PLENTY of shoppers have sussed that they can curb their rocketing grocery costs with one easy supermarket trick.

That’s what one bargain hunter has done anyway, as they managed to score a whopping glut of doughnuts for just the PENCE in their pocket.

One shopper managed to score 35 doughnuts for just 42p


One shopper managed to score 35 doughnuts for just 42pCredit: Yellow sticker society Facebook

A Morrisons fan bagged 35 of the sweet treats for just 42p thanks to the shopping hack.

And other like-minded deal hunters know it’s all down to yellow stickers.

The vibrantly-labelled bargains are the key to a successful shop for most doing the weekly supermarket sweep.

Especially as prices are quickly climbing on the shop shelves, as inflation pushes up the cost of everything from essentials to sweet-toothed treats.

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But one way stores will LOWER prices is by marking down food nearing its use by date.

It’s to shift stock and avoid food wastage, but it means customers can snag the same goods at just a fraction of the cost.

The food is still good to eat, and in some cases you can freeze what you buy so it will last that bit longer too.

That’s exactly what this shopper did as she shared her advice with Facebook page Yellow Sticker Society.

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“7p for a pack of doughnuts and popped in the freezer, happy days,” she said on the social media forum.

The shopper revealed that she had headed down to her local Morrisons at 6.30pm to snag the deal.

Different stores can change up the time of day that they mark-down goods.

But plenty of supermarkets will discount food toward the end of day when they don’t have much of a shelf-life left on them.

Ex-Morrisons workers have told The Sun that it typically happens in two waves at the store.

One reduction happens at 9pm right before shops close, when roughly 15-20% is taken off.

But for everything that is going out of date the next day, another reduction will happen at around 6:30pm to 7pm – where you can get up to 90% off at a time.

Other Facebook users were just as impressed with the find, and they commented under the post.

One said: “Every day is a school day – what a great bargain.”

“My diet so didn’t need to know that,” one joked. “Please tell me it’s not true!”

“I got a few 7p packs last week too. So so good,” another chimned in.

The bargains have quickly become one of the most sought-after items in supermarkets.

Customers will queue up for hours to find the special discounted food to take home for dinner – even fights have broken out over the bin-destined goods.

Dubbed the “yellow sticker man”, Al Baker, worked for just over two years at Morrisons, knocking-down the best-before food.

He said that more and more shoppers are turning to yellow sticker shopping as a cost of living crisis squeezes budgets.

It’s not the only way to curb spending though.

There’s plenty more ways to cut costs on the weekly shop – sometimes it just takes bending down.

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Or picking the size of your trolley wisely the minute you walk through the front doors.

And the art of picking which exact date to visit the shops can help you save some pennies on your next visit too.

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